This rule applies whether you’re dating a coworker or your partner is meeting you when your shift ends and leans in for a kiss. “Many people are uncomfortable with public displays of affection in a work context, so you probably want to steer clear,” Baker recommends. This includes over-the-top gushing about your relationship—all details better shared with friends and family away from work. When dating a co-worker, you run the risk of spending more time catering to the needs of your significant other than on the job you are actually getting paid to do. This will make your boss super unhappy and your co-workers upset that they have to pick up the slack because you can’t meet a deadline. And you don’t even have a good excuse for not meeting your deadlines.
The downsides of dating a coworker
The more you are engulfed with the thought, and the more you let get into your head, the harder it is for you to adjust to your life. Act as normal as you can, and embrace every second of it. That saves you time on thinking if he’s really working, what he’s doing, know who’s hanging out with, and the like. Focus on your own work, as you should be doing, and keep your partner motivated as well.
To keep the pressure off, invite them to something casual. Greer suggests asking them to join you for a post-work cup of coffee or drink. “Depending on their response, that gives you an idea of whether they’re even remotely interested in getting to know you better, or not,” she explains.
They don’t want to experience what you’ll think, say, feel or do when you discover it. If your crush doesn’t want to go out for drinks, or if they agree and after aren’t interested in doing it again, don’t push it, says Greer. If coworker relationships are allowed, turn up the flirtation—but keep it cool. Resentful colleagues might threaten to expose you, the stress of keeping your relationship under wraps might cause strain, and if a superior finds out, you might get knocked off the promotion track, or worse, get fired.
It’s super unprofessional and embarrassing and it’s also a sure fire way to get your boss or HR to decide that you are not professional and shouldn’t work for their company. Do you really want Linda from HR to hear about this? End it now before it’s too late to go back and erase these mental images from your co-workers’ minds.
In the worst-case scenario, the majority of people will take your ex’s side, making you an outcast within the workplace. If your ex dumped you, you may feel like filling your cohorts in on what a horrible, misled person they are. Or, if you dumped them, you may want to tell your co-workers all about the horrible things they did to get themselves dumped. Don’t constantly call or email them to find out what they’re doing.
If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. If you keep working together, take care not to be obnoxious about your relationship. Don’t visit one another at your cubicles and don’t play footsie under the conference table. If you do, you will gross out your co-workers and make them hate you.
How about getting lunch together if you have breaks that line up? As long as you remain professional from the moment you walk into the office to the moment you leave, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy the many conveniences that come along with your situation. As a general rule, it’s best to avoid dating someone who you report to, or who reports to you. That could be your direct manager, a higher-level executive or the newly hired intern. Resist the temptation to snag a quick smooch at the water cooler or hold hands as you walk down the hall to the company meeting.
Pros & Cons: Dating a Coworker
Along with mutual outside interests, try to maintain your own personal friendships and interests. Some coworking couples quickly lose relationships because it’s so easy to spend time together. They might commute to and from work and then spend the evening together.
Keep your home life at home
If I was to give one wise, sacred, special and timeless piece of advice- when in doubt, don’t defecate where you eat. Work is always going to be a big part of our lives and it’s probably best to keep the romance out of it. “Business is becoming more personal since nearly 3 in 5 people are struggling with their mental health,” says Kapur. When you’re in a professional setting, 80% of your chatter should be centered around work and the remaining 20% can be personal. No one wants to hear you brag about how good your love life is. Meanwhile, dissing your loved one’s religious or political beliefs could cause discomfort among team members who agree or disagree with those views.
You should be able to act professionally even if you are dating someone from the office or have just broken up with someone at your workplace. A suitable closure will suffice, and then you can start moving on with your life! Even if you eventually come clean about your courtship, colleagues may still lament the fact that at one point it was a secret you kept.
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I don’t regret the experience myself, and itcanwork , but it is a frustrating and largely unfulfilling balancing act. You need a lot of rules in place in order to not damage yourselves, your company, your coworkers…It’s not worth it unless you’re absolutely sure that person is “the one,” and in my case, well,it wasn’t. You might be tempted to get away from your boss and coworkers every day and have a midday lunch date with your significant other. While this is great on occasion or if you’re having a bad day, making it a regular occurrence could lead to burnout. Try to change things up and get lunch with your coworkers when you want someone to eat with. This way, you can stay close to your work friends and keep up with their lives.
I know what you’re thinking; there hasn’t been a luncheonette in this country in forty years. “Janice,” you can say, “we just wanted to let you know that Tom and I are an item, before you hear it from someone else. There’s not much more to say about that, but we wanted you to know.” Give Janice a moment. She may blink a couple of times, because with all the elaborate scripts we’ve composed for all the standard workplace rites and rituals, we don’t have a script for this one. “You do not want a relationship to undermine your success, nor do you want others to assume your progress is only due to who you are dating,” Goren says.